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* The process of transferring debit and credits from journal to ledger account is called: posting

*Trial balance is a:statement

*Cash book is a:principal book

*Which of the following ratios is the best indicator of a pharmacy's profitability?Net profit to net  worth

*The acceptable ratio for net profit to net sales would be:5to7%

*The acid test generally measures a pharmacy's:Liquidity

*Liqudity generally expresses a pharmacy's ability to meet it's:Current liability

*Which techniue is used to finalize inventory inventory order:Economic order quantity(EOQ)

*Uniform parts of a loan raised by a company are known as:Debentures

*The supply order is:Legal document

*License required to start a new retail drugstore is issued by:Drug inspector

*A person who is interested to start a retail drug store must be :Registered pharmacist

*A chemical shop deals only in drugs and so is an example of :Single line store

*The preparation of trial balance helps in :Locating errors of commission

*A ledger is book of :Secondary entry

*The imprest system is used in relation to:Petty cash book

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