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16. Origin of nicotine

A. lysine

 B. methionine

 C.  Lucin

 D. ornithine

 Answer.  Ornithine

 17. Caryophyllous stomata


 B. Datura

C. lobelia

 D. Vasaka

 Answer.  vasaka

 18..Anomocytic or ranuculosis type stomata

A.  Digitalis

 B.  Buchu

 C. lobelia

 D. All of the above

 Answer.  All of the above

 19. It contains diatomaceous stomata

 A.  Digitalis


C. Vasaka

 D.  Belladonna


 20. Rhomboidal crystals of potassium oxalate are its features

 A. Cinnamon bark

 B.  Cassia bark

 C.  Chair bark

 D. Chinchona bark

 Answer.  Chair bark

 21. Bundles of acycular crystal of calcium oxalate are characteristic of recognition

 A. Datura stromonium


C.  Virginia Maritima

 D. alianthus glandulosa

 Answer.  Virginia Maritima

 22.Vasaka contains basic moi

 A. Quinazoline

 B.  Quinoline

C.  Isoquinoline

 D. Steroil

 Answer.  Quinazoline

 23.Morexide is used to detect testing

 A.  Caffeine

B.  Tannins

 C. Datura

 D. Senna

 Answer.  Caffeine

 24. The reaction of the Liberman-Burchard

 A. acetic anhydride + Conc.H2SO4

 B.Acetic acid + Conc.H2SO4

 C. acetic anhydride + Con.H2SO4

D. None of the above

 Answer.  Acetic anhydride + Conc.H2SO4

 25. Which of the following does not contain any steroidal alkaloids?

 A.  Ashwagandha

 B.  Ephra

 C.  Chair

 D. Vertram

 Answer.  Ephra

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