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Important mcq of pharmacognosy(26-50)

 These are very important questions for all competitive exams

26.Which type of Benzoin is called strynax tonkinensis? 

Ans. Siam Benzoin

27.Ipecacuanha belongs to the family? 

Ans. Rubiaceae

28.Cannabis is also called? 

Ans. Hemp

29.Borntrager's test is associated with? 

Ans. Senna(Anthraquinone glycosides)

30.Dried sclerotium of a fungus, Claviceps purpurea is? 

Ans. Ergot

31.Alcohol obtained from mint oil is? 

Ans. Menthol

32.Volatile oil distilled from aerial parts of various species of Mentha? 

Ans. Peppermint oil or mentha oil

33.What are Brewer's yest? 

Ans. Adulterants of yeast

34.Amla belongs to the family

Ans. Euphorbiaceae

35.Name an Antileprotic drug

Ans. Chaulmoogra oil

36.Tribulus terrestris is the synonym of

Ans Gokhru

37.Which Antitumor drug is called Catharantnus rosens? 

Ans. Vinca

38.Curcuma longa belongs to the family? 

Ans. Zingiberaceae

39.Flavouring agent obtained from the fresh peel of citrus sinensis? 

Ans. Orange oil

40.West Indian Lemon grass oil is? 

Ans. Cymbopogon citratus

41.Fixed oil obtained from Arachis hypogaea

Ans.Arachis oil

42.Anhydrous lanolin

Ans.Wool fat

43.Bees wax is obtained from? 

Ans.Hive bee

44.China clay is called


45.Pectin is a neutral Methoxy ester of? 

Ans.Pectic acid

46.Which one is called sweet oil or salad oil

Ans.Olive oil

47.Name the synonym of Clove

Ans.Eugenia caryophylus

48.Aconite belongs to the family


49.Dried latex of papaver somniferum is


50.Name the synonym of Tulsi

Ans.Ocimum santum

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