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Important questions for pharmacist competitive exams(16-30)

These are very important questions for Pharmacist competitive exams 



 16. Does sarcolema exist?

 A. Straightened muscle

 Smooth muscle

 C. heart muscle

 D. All

 Answer.  A

 17. The most delicate membrane around the axons of all peripheral nerves, which contains Schwar cells?

 A. axolemma

 B.  Neurolamma

 C.  Axoplasm

 D. None

 Answer.  B

 18. What is called elastic fibrocartilage?

 A. Yellow fibrocartilage

 B. White fibrocartilage

 C.  Hyaline cartilage

 D. Both a

 Answer.  A

19. Are erythrocytes destroyed in ----?

 A. Lung

 B. Lymph nodes

 C.  Spleen

 D.  Liver

 Answer.  C

 20. The device used to record the ECG is called

 A. Electrocardiograph

 B. Electrocardiogram

 C. Electrocardiograph Tracer

 D. Both a

 Answer.  A

21. Does an efficient ---- system help keep prices of essential commodities?

 A. Advertising

 B. Publicity

 C. Construction

 D. Transportation

 Answer.  D

 22. .-- The total capital involved in the industry should not exceed one million in plant and machinery?

 A. Large scale industries

 Small businesses

 C.  Both

 D. None

 Answer.  B

 23. What is the name of the type of company that is classified from the point of view of public interest?

 A. Private Company

 B.  Public company

 C.  Government Company

 D. All

 Answer.  D

 24. Partnership Agreement --- Can a partnership be between a person who joins together?

 A. Oral

 B. indicated


 D. All

 Answer.  D

 25. What is the maximum number of individuals required to form a private company?

 A. 2

 B.  7

 C.  10


 Answer.  A

 26. Which is a hydrosine derivative?

 A. Isocarboxazide

 B.  Ipronized

 C.  Neolamide

 D. All

 Answer.  D

 27. What is the antagonist of benzodiazepines?

 A.  Diazepam

 B.  Oxazepam

 C.  Flumacinin

 D. Both A and B

 Answer.  C

 28. Which is used in the treatment of MDP?

 A. imipramine

 B.  Tranylsipromine

 C.  Amitriptyline

 D. Lithium carbonate

 Answer.  D

 29. An amine alkaloid synthesized from ergot?

 A. lysergic acid diethylamide

 B.  Mescaline

 C.  Cannabis

 D. Both b

 Answer.  A

 30. Which drug is used in Stiffman syndrome?

 A.  Levodopa

 B.  Amantadine

 C.  Balcofen

 D.  Diazepam

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