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Model question for pharmacist competitive exams(31-45)

These are very important questions for Pharmacist competitive exams 

 31. Sakaguchi test is a special test for amino acid - -?

 A. Tyrosine

 B.  Arginine

 C.  Cysteine

 D. Both A and B

 Answer.  B

3 2. It is a disease of PEM

 A.  Kwashiorkor

 B.  Glycosuria

 C.  Hypoglycemia


 Answer.  A

 33. An example of a homopolysaccharide?

 A.  Heparin

 B.  Glycogen

 C.  Hyaluronic acid

 D. All

 Answer.  B

 34. What is the composition of cholesterol?

 A. Cyclopentanoperhydro phenanthrene ring

 An aliphatic side chain attached to the C17

 C. Double bond between C5 and C6

 D. All

 Answer.  D

 35. Because of the constant hardness of the water?

 A. Bicarbonates of calcium

 B. Magnesium bicarbonates

 C. Both A and B

 D. Chlorides and sulfates of calcium and magnesium

 Answer.  D

 36. Which is used for cardiac tonic?

 A. Digitalis

 B.  Bark of Arjuna

 C.  Belladonna

 D. Both A and B

 Answer.  D

 37. Is eugenol an unstable oil?

 A. cloves

 B.  Hyoscyamus

C. Ephedra                                 

D. Sandal wood

Ans. A

38.Panama bark is called? 

A. Cinnamon

B. Cinchona

C. Arjuna bark

D. Rhubarb

Ans. B

39.Leprosy mainly affects? 

A. Nerve and skin

B. Muscle and bones

C. Testes and eyes

D. All the above

Ans. D

40.The most common condition due to Riboflavin deficiency is? 

A. Chielosis

B. Glossitis

C. Angular stomatitis

D. Keratomalacia


41.Progesterone is derived mainly from? 

A. Esterone

B. Testosterone

C.Corpus luteum


Ans. C

42.Severe form of anaemia is known as? 

A. Regenerative anaemia

B. Megaloblastic anaemia

C. Non regenerative anaemia

D. Hemolytic anaemia

Ans. B

43.Normal urine is? 

A. Neutral

B. Highly acidic

C.Slightly acidic

D. Slightly alakaline

Ans. C. 

44.Blood plarelets are formed in the? 

A. Liver

B. Kidney

C. Heart

D. Spleen and bone marriw

Ans. D

45.Diabetes mellitus is due to

A Increase in insulin level

B. Decrease in glucagon level

C.Decrease in insulin level

D.Increase in glucose level

Ans. C

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