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Model mcqs of pharmacist (106-120)

These are very important mcqs for Pharmacist competitive exams     

Model mcqs of pharmacist

 106.How many grams of zinc oxide is needed to prepare 1500ml of a 1:50 solution

A. 20

B. 30

C. 40

D. 50

Ans. B

107.Rubella is another name for

A. Measles

B. Meningitis

C. German measles

D. Mumps

Ans. C

108.Organic pesticides may be effectively counteracted with

A. Charcoal

B. Pralidoxime

C. Pentazocine

D. Pyridostigmine

Ans. B

109.The analgesic gas called laughing gas

A. Cyclopropane

B. Thiopental

C. Nitrous oxide

D. Ethylene

Ans. C

110.Glibenclamide is therapeutically classified as an

A. Anti-inflammatory drug

B. Antihypertensive drug

C. Anticoagulant

D. Antidiabetic

Ans. D

111.Dried aqueous extract is

A. Opium

B. Aloes

C. Agar

D. Acacia

Ans. C

112.Ut dictum means

A. If necessary

B. As directed

C. Immediately

D. Every other day

Ans. B

113.The cones of retina contain the pigment

A. Rodopsin

B. Melanin

C. Iodopsin

D. Melatonin

Ans. C

114.The intra ocular pressure of eye can be measured by

A. Perimeter

B. Tonometer

C. Refractometer

D. Spirometer

Ans. B

115.killed vaccines are usually administered by

A. Oral route

B. Subcutaneous route

C. Transdermal route

D. Intra muscular route

Ans. B

116.An example of a sulphur containing amino acid

A. Phenylalanine

B. Serine

C. Lysine

D. Cysteine


117.Drug which can antagonise morphine poisoning is

A. Meperidine

B. Picrotoxin

C. Nalaxone

D. Nalorphine

Ans. D

118.Example of Schedule X drug is

A. Meprobamate

B. Phenobarbital

C. Secobarbital

D. All the above

Ans. D

119.Antidote for mercury poison is

A. Dimercaprol

B. Atropine

C. d-Penicillamine

D. Naloxone

Ans. A

120.General structure of ether is


B. R-O-R


D. None

Ans. B

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