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Model mcqs of pharmacist (121-135)

These are very important mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams 

Model mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams

 121.Father of medicine

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Hippocrates

D. None

Ans. C

122.Which is the active alkaloid in ipecac

A. Ephedrine

B. Emetine

C. Ergotamine

D. Ergometrine

Ans. B

123.Triclophos sodium is classified as an

A. Antidepressant

B. Antimalarial 

C. Hypnotic

D. Local anasthetic

Ans. C

124.Vanurk's reagent is used for detection of

A. Ergot

B. Glycosides

C. Cotton seed oil

D. Vitamin A

Ans. A

125.Glucose tolerance test for diabetis is a

A. Diagnostic test

B. Screening test

C. Prognostic test


Ans. A

126.The antibiotic which acts on bacterial cell wall is

A. Streptomycin

B. Penicillin 

C. Sulohamethixazole

D. Tetracycline

Ans. B

127.The maximum number of members in a privated limited company is

A. 40

B. 50

C. 30

D. 20

Ans. B

128.The license for the cultivation of opium poppy is granted by

A. General manager

B. Lambardar

C. District opium officer

D. Cultivator

Ans. C

129.The PTC appoints a member physician as its

A. Chairman

B. Administrator

C. Secretary

D. None of the above

Ans. A

130.On treatment with dilute HCL, sodium thiosulphate gives a precipitate of

A. Chloride

B. Sulphate

C. Sulphur

D. None

Ans. C

131.Turpentine liniment is a

A. Emulsion 

B. Cream

C. Solution



132.The capital of a company is divided into a number of equal parts is known as

A. Portions

B. Parts

C. Shares

D. All the above

Ans. C

133.Premises licenced for the sale of drugs and having a qualified person but where the drugs are not compounded is called


B. Chemist&druggist

C. Pharmacy

D. Aseptic room

Ans. B

134.Cinchona is cultivated in India

A. Annamalai hills

B. Nilgiri hills

C. Darjeeling

D. All the above

Ans. D

135.PH of lacrimal fluid is

A. 8.0

B. 6.2

C. 7.4

D. 9.0


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