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Model mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams (152-166)

These are very important mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams       

Model mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams

                                        152.Which class of the drugs decrease the viscosity of respiratory tract secretions?

A.Anti histamines

B. Vasoconstrictor

C. Antitussuve

D. Expectorants

Ans. D

153.Physiological antagonist of histamine

A. Epinephrine

B. Ephedrine

C. Nor epinephrine

D. None

Ans. A

154.Tetracycline should not be administered with which of the following beverages

A. Water

B. Milk

C. Orange juice

D. Apple juice

Ans. B

155.An abnormal heart beat referred to as

A. Bradycardia

B. Arrhythmia

C. Tachycardia

D. Fibrillation

Ans. B

156.Pneumonia is caused by 

A. Diplococcus pneumonia

B. Cortneabacterium diphtheriae

C. Bacillus pertussis

D. Variola-major

Ans. A

157.Phenytoin sodium is used as an

A. Antihypertensive agent

B. Antiulcer drug

C. Antimalarial

D. Anticonvulsant

Ans. D

158.Spirinolactone is classified as

A. Loop diuretic

B. Steroidal diuretic

C. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor

D. Osmotic diuretic

Ans. B

159.The person incharge of state drug laboratory is

A. Drug controller


C. Drugs inspector

D. Govt. Analyst

Ans. D

160.The family of Bael is

A. Gnetaceae

B. Rutaceae

C. Polygonaceae

D. Leguminasae


161.All of the following medicinal agents are classified as natural products except

A. Morphine


C. Diazepam

D. Digoxin

Ans. C

162.Foucher's test is performed to detect --in urine

A. Glucose

B. Bilirubin

C. Blood

D. Albumin

Ans. B

163.Potent loop diuretic is

A. Frusemide


C. Hydrichlorothiazide


Ans. A

164.Lanoxin is brand nane of

A. Digitoxin

B. Digoxin

C. Gitoxin

D. Lanatocid

Ans. B

165.Spirits may be prepared by which of the following methods

A. Simple solution

B. Distillation

C. Chemical reaction

D. All the above

Ans. D

166.Imipramine is used as

A. Tranquillizer

B. Anticonvulsant 

C. Antidepressant

D. Analeptic

Ans. C

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