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Model mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams(212-226)

These are very important mcqs for Pharmacist competitive exams   

Important mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams

212.The centre of the brain regulating body temperature is in the

A. Medulla
B. Pones
C. Hypothalamus
D. Thalamus

213.What is the total weight 0.05G is added to 500 mcg?

A. 50Mg
B. 55Mg
C. 50.5Mg
D. 550Mg

214.Dental caries is caused by

A. Bacillus anthracis
B. Streptococcus pyogens
C. Staphylococcus aures
D. Streptococcus mutane

215.The study of arthropods in relation to human health is known as

A. Medical Entimology
B. Medical pathology
C. Medical microbiology
D. None

216.Glycosaminoglycans functions as important structural component of

A. Nucleic acid
B. Glycogen
C. Connective tissue
D. Hyaluronidase

217.Hormone which causes contraction of gall bladder is

A. Gatrin
B. Pancreozymin
C. Secretin
D. Enterogastrin

218.Which of the following lipid lowering agents acts by inhibiting KMG COA

B. Pravastatin
C. Cerivastatin
D. All the above

219.The oldest type of business organisation

A. Joint stock company
B. Partnetship
C.One man business
D. Public limited company

220.The most important function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is the

A. Hydrolysis of dietary products
B. Activation of pepsonogen
C. Neutralisation of chime
D. Destruction of bacteria

221.Which of the following enzymes catalyses the formation of uric acid form purines?

A. Urease
B. Uricase
C. Xanthine oxidase

222.A deficiency of rhodopsin is most likely cause by decreased dietary intake of

A. Riboflavin
B. Adenine
C. Vit A
D. Pyridoxine

223.Transport of iron in the plasma is almost entirely in the form of

A. Haemoglobin
B. Ferritin
C. Transferrtin
D. Hemosiderin

224.A deficiency of vit A ina developing tooth most likely affects the

A. Cementum
B. Dentin
C. Enamel
D. Pulp

225.Rhodopsin is usually formed in the

A. Retina
B. Liver
C. Lens
D. Vitreous humor

226.In males, growth and development of secondary sex organs are under direct control of

A. Progestrone
B. Aldosterone
C. Testosterone
D. Estrogen

Answe key

212.A            219.D         226.C

213.C            220.C

214.C            221.B

215.D           222.C

216.A           223.C

217.C           224.C

218.D          225.A

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