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Health education and community pharmacy model mcqs (1-15)

These are important mcqs for Pharmacist competitive exams     
Important mcqs of health education and community pharmacy

                                           1.Coma shaped bacteria is

B. Bacilli
C. Vibrio
D. Spirochaetes

2.Water borne disease is

A. Cholera
B. T. B
C. Leprosy
D. Influenza

3.A disease affects central nervous system is

A. Typhoid
B. Polio
C. Plague
D. T. B

4.Air-bone disease is

A. Leprosy
B. Diarrhoea
C. Tuberculosis
D. Typhoid

5.Causative agent of Diphtheria is

A. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
B. Clostridium tetani
C. Entamoeba
D. Salmonella

6.A protozoal disease is

A. Malaria
B. Polio
C. Diarrhoea
D. Tetanus

7.Filariasis is caused by

A. Clostridium tetani
B. Wucheria bancorfiti
C. Plasmodium
D. Pasteurella pestis

8.The carrier of rabies is

A. Dog
B. Rat
C. Cow
D. None of the above

9.The disease that damages immunity system of body is

A. Leprosy
B. Leukaemia
C. Cancer
D. Aids

10.Elisa test is used for screening

A. Typhoid
B. Polio
C. Aids
D. Rabies

11.Chemical used for disinfection of water is

A. Bleaching  powder
B. Chloring tablets
C. Kmno4
D. All the above

12.Nirodh is

A. Condom
B. I. U. D
C. Loop

13.Unsaturated fatty acid is

A. Stearic acid
B. Lauric acid
C. Palmitic acid
D. Linoleic acid

14.Protein energy malnutrition causes

A. Marasmus
B. Obesity
C. Diabetes
D. Cancer

15.Reserve food of plant is

A. Glycogen
B. Starch
C. Glucose
D. Pectin

Answer key

1.C  2.A  3.B  4.C  5.A  6.A  7.B  8.A  9.D  10.C  11.B  12.A  13.D  14.A  15.B

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