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Important mcqs of pharmacology and toxicology (31-45)

 These are very important mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs of pharmacology and toxicology

31.Which of the following drug is irritant purgative

A. Liquid paraffin

B. Castor oil

C. Msgnesium sulphate


32.Amyl nitrate pearls are adminisrered by

A. Oral route

B. Parenteral route


D. Inhalation

33.A local anaesthetic agents is

A. Ether

B. Nitrous oxide

C. Cyclopropane

D. Pricaine hcl

34.Fluroquinolines are excellent agents for

A. UTI infections

B. Malaria

C. Amoebiasis

D. Typhoid

35.Enalapril maleate is

A. Antibiotic

B. Antiseptic

C. Antihypertensive

D. Antihistamine

36.Polythiazide is used as

A. Diuretic

B. Antidepressant

C. Antimalarial

D. Anticonvulsant

37.The drug used in peptic ulcer is

A. Famotidine

B. Ranitidine

C. Cimetidine

D. All the above

38.Hypertension is treated by one of the following drugs 

A. Propranolol

B. Adrenaline

C. Digoxine

D. Quinidine

39.Imipramine is used as

A. Tranquillizer

B. Anticonvulsant

C. Antidepressant

D. Analeptic

40.Cinchona alkaloid used in cardiac arrhythmiasis

A. Quinidine

B. Quinine

C. Cinchonidine

D. All the above

41.A miotic drug used in Glaucoma

A. Chloroquine

B. Ephedrine

C. Pilocarpine

D. Amphetamine

42.Dugitalis is used in

A. Congestive cardiac failure

B. Myocardial infraction 

C. Hypertension

D. Heart attack

43.Hormone used used in bronchial asthma as bronchodilator is

A. Ephedrine

B. Salbutamol

C. Adrenaline

D. Tubocurarine

44.Broad spectrum antibiotic is

A. Doxy cycline

B. Penicillin

C. Paramomycin

D. All the above

45.I. V General anaesthetic is

A. Thiopentone sodium

B. Phenobarbitone injection

C. Procaine

D. Lignocaine

Answe key

31.B  32.D  33.D  34.A  35.C  36A  37.D  38.A  39.C  40.A  41.C  42.A  43.C  44.A  45.A

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