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Health education and community pharmacy mcqs (56-65)

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs of health education and community pharmacy

56.Which one of the following is not a zoonotic disease

A. Rabies
B. Anthrax
C. Plauges
D. Leprosy

57.What is the cause of AIDS

A. Contaminated blood transfusion
B. Sexual contact
C. Poor sterilisation of injection needles
D. All of the above

58.How does ancyclostoma duodenale infection occur

A. Air-borne
B. Food-borne
C. Water-borne
D. Penetration through the skin

59.What is normal incubation period for typhoid fever

A. 1-2 days
B. 3-5 days
C. 7-10 days
D. 10-15 days

60.What are the fetures of food poisoning

A. Nausea
B. Vomiting
C. Diarrhoea
D. All of the above

61.The popular IUCD is

A. Condom
B. Copper T
C. Foam Tablet
D. Cream

62.Oral polio vaccine is started at the age of

A. 1st month
B. 3rd month
C. 9th month
D. 12th month

63.Amoebiasis is

A. Parasitic disease
B. Viral disease
C. Bacterial disease
D. None

64.Typhoid is transmitted by

A. Mosquito
B. Sandfly
C. Housefly
D. Itch mite

65.More protein present in

A. Cereals
B. Fruits
C. Vegetables
D. Egg

Answer key

56.B  57.D  58.D  59.D  60.D  61.B  62.C  63.A  64.C  65.A

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