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Health education and community pharmacy mcqs (66-75)

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs of health education and community pharmacy

66.Mosquito transmits

A. Typhoid
B. Kala-azar
C. Scabies
D. Malaria

67.Shallow well

A. Supplies pure water
B. Water supply is constant
C. Water is often contaminated
D. Taps the water from below the first impervious layer

68.India is said to be free from

A. Malaria
B. Measles
C. Small pox
D. Leprosy

69.D. P. T is the immunising agent concerned with

A. Poliomyelitis
B. Cholera
C. Typhoid
D. Diphtheria

70.Vitamin C deficiency leads to

A. Beri-beri
B. Scurvy
C.Night blindness
D. Obesity

71.Anti-toxic serum induces

A. Active immunity
B. Passive immunity
C. Reduces resistance to infection
D. Development of immunity over a prolonged period

72.The constituent of a vital enzyme carbonic anhydrase is

A. Manganese
B. Calcium
C. Zinc
D. Iodine

73.Which fruit has highest vit 'C' content

A. Lime
B. Oranges
C. Guava
D. Tomato


A. Prevent to ovulation
B. Prevents entry of sperm in to the uterus
C. Prevents menstrual cycle
D. Prevents implantation of fertilized ovum in to the uterus

75.Measles Daccine is given at

A. Birth
B. 3 month of age
C. 6 month of age
D. 9 month of age

Answer key

66.D  67.C  68.C  69.D  70.B  71.B  72.C  73.A  74.D

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