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Health education and community pharmacy mcqs (76-85)

 These are very important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs for health education and community pharmacy

76.End product of ptotein digestion is

A.Fatty acid
B. Polypeptide
C. Glycerol
D. Amino acid

77.Neurotransmitter liberated at skeletol neuromuscular junction is

A. Ach
B. Subs-p
C. Dopamine
D. Noradrenaline

78.Intrinsic factor is needed for absorption of

A. Vit.B12
B. Vit. B6
C. Vit. C
D. Vit. D

79.Which of the following is an essential endocrine gland

A. Throid
B. P. Thyroid
C. Ovaries
D. Testis

80.All of the following are contagious disease except

B. Poliomyelitis
C. Trachoma
D. Leprosy

81.The commonest form of malaria in India is by

A. Plasmodium Vivax
B. Plasmodium Ovale
C. Plasmodium falciparam
D. Plasmodium malariae

82.Intrinsic factor is secreted by

A. Chief cell
B. Parietal cell
C. Mucus cell
D. Argentassine cell

83.Which of the following is a constituent of contraceptive pills

A. Prolactin
B. Follicular stimulating hormone
C. Estrogen
D. Luteininsing hormone

84.Riboflavin deficiency causes

A. Beriberi
B. Pellagra
C. Glossitis
D. Sprue

85.Citrus fruits an green leafy vegetables are main source of

A. Vitamin-C
B. Vitamin-D
C. Vitamin-B2
D. Vitamin-B12

Answer key

76.D  77.A  78.A  79.A  80.B  81.A  82.B  83.C  84.C  85.A

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