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Important mcqs of health education and community pharmacy (46-55)                

                        These are important mcqs for Pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs of health education and community pharmacy

46.Syphilis is caused by

A.Treponema pallidam
B. Gonococci
C. Ducrey's bacillus

47.Live oral polio vaccine is

A. Salk vaccine
B. Sabine vaccine
C. Polyvalent vaccine
D. None of the above

48.One of the following drugs used in AIDS is

A. Cifrofloxacin
B. Tetracycline
C. Amantidine
D. Alidothymidine

49.An abnormal and rapid growth of cells and tissues is

A. Cancer
C. Polio
D. None of the above

50.ATS is given to treat

A. Plague
B. Tetanus
C. Diphtheria
D. None of the above

51.Mention the vitamin which is not fat soluble in the following

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K

52.Malnutrition is mainly caused by

A. Iron deficiency
B. Vitamin deficiency
C. Protein deficiency
D. Mineral deficiency

53.Malarial parasite is transmitted by

A. Female anopheles mosquito
B. Female culex mosquito
C. Female sand fly
D. None

54.Which one of the following is a viral infection

A. Polio
B. Typhoid
C. Plague
D. None

55.A toxoid is given for which one of the following

A. Tetanus
B. Tuberculosis
C. Jaundice
D. Brain fever

Answer key

46.A  47.B  48.D  49.A  50.B  51.B  52.C  53.A  54.A  55.A

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