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Important mcqs of human Anatomy and physiology (16-25)

 These are important mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs of human anatomy and physiology

16.Hardest connective tissue is

A. Lyph
B. Bone
C. Blood
D. Adipose

17.Loose tissue which contains fatty substances is

A. Lymphoid tissue
B. Adipose tissue
C. White fibrous tissue
D. Reticular tissue

18.Keratinized stratified epitheliumis found in

A. Skin
B. Hair
C. Nails
D. All the above

19.Adipocytes are called as

A. Fat cells
B. Mast cells
C. Fibro blasts.
D. Globet cells

20.White fibrous tissue is made up of protein known as

A. Keratin
B. Collagen
C. Casein
D. Lecithin

21.The most abundant plasma proteins are

A. Clotting factors
B. Fibrinogen
C. Albumins
D. Globulins

22.Fibrinogen is synthesized by

A. Liver
B. Pancreas
C. Bone marrow
D. Gall bladder

23.Bleeding increases due to the deficiency of

A. Leucocytes
B. Erythrocytes
C. Thrombocytes
D. T- lymphocytes

24.Hemoglobin test measures 1 gm of Hb per - ml of blood

A. 1ml
B. 10ml
C. 1dl
D. 1 litre

25.Which of the following is not a leukocyte

A. Neutrophils
B. Basophils
C. Easinophils
D. Platelets

Answer key

16.B  17.B  18.D  19.A  20.B  21.C  22.A  23.C  24.C  25.D

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