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Pharmaceutical chemistry mcqs(36 -45)

Important mcqs of pharmaceutical chemistry

36.1ppm corresponds to 1 Mcg in

A.1 g

B. 1mg

C. 1kg

D. 10mg

37.Thioglycollic acid is used in limit test for

A. Sulphate

B. Iron

C. Chloride

D. Arsenic

38.Hydrogen sulphide gas stains the mercuric chloride paper

A. Brown

B. Green

C. Yellow

D. Red

39.Modified Gutzeit test is limit test for

A. Arsenic

B. Sulphate

C. Iron

D. Chloride

40.Thioglycollic acid gives purple colour with iron salt in

A. Acid medium

B. Alkaline medium

C. Neutral medium

D. None

41.Examples of heavy metals as impurities in pharmaceuticals

A. Silver, Gold

B. Mercury, Lead

C. Bismuth, Arsenic

D. All the above

42.Source of impurity in pharmaceutical industry

A. Raw materials

B. Equipment

C. Adulteration

D. All the above

43.What is the final colour observed in limit test for lead

A. Green

B. Purple

C. Violet

D yellow

44.In the limit test for lead, the original colour of Dithizone in chloroform is

A. Violet

B. Green

C. Yellow

D. Pink

45.Hydrogen sulphide when added to lead nitrate, the solution gives

A. White precipitate

B. Red ppt

C. Brown ppt

D. Orange ppt

Answer key

36.A  37.B  38.C  39.A  40.B  41.D  42.D  43.C  44.B  45.C

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