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Pharmacist model mcqs (251-260)


Model mcqs of pharmacist competitive exams

251.The most abundant form of iron in human blood plasma is found as

A. Free Fe++

B. Free Fe+++

C. Ferritin

D. Associated with transferritin

252.Requirements and guidelines on clinical trials for import and manufacturing of new drugs are given in which schedule?

A. V

B. W

C. X

D. Y

253.Atropine over dose is treated with

A. Deferoxamine

B. Physostigmine

C. Pralidoxime

D. VitK

254.The I. P limit for disintegration of compressed tablets is

A. 50 minutes

B. 60 minutes

C. 5 minutes

D. 15 minutes

255.The micro organism which caused T. B in human beings is -

A. Salmonella typhi

B. Bacillus subtilis

C. Micro bacterium tuberculosis

D. Escherichia coli

256.Diosgenin is a

A. Steroidal sapogenin

B. Steroidal glycoside

C. Triterpinoid saponin

D. Steroidal saponin

257.The spiral tube twisted on it self present in internal ear is called

A. Cochlea

B. Ampulla

C. Vestibule


258.Myopia is corrected by wearing - lenses

A. Biconcave

B. Convex


D. All the above

259.Schedule that deals with genetic names is

A. V

B. W

C. X

D. C

260.Drug contain steroidal saponins is

A Gokhru

B. Digitalis

C. Senega

D. Senna

Answer key

251.D  252.D  253.B  254.B  255.C  256.A  257.A  258.A  259.B  260.A

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