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pharmacist model mcqs(271-280)

 These are very important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Pharmacist competitive exams mcqs

271.The person incharge of state drugs laboratory is

A.Drug controller
B. Director of drug controller
C. Government analyst
D. Drug inspector

272.Ranitidine is used primarily to treat

A. Peptic ulcer
B. Diarrhoea
C. Constipation
D. Infant colic

273.Amber coloured containers are used to pack

A. Coloured liquids
B. Heat sensitive drugs
C. Light sensitive drugs
D. Costly drugs

274.The first seven bones in the vertebral column are collectively called

A. Cervical
B. Sacrum
C. Thorasic vertebrae
D. Coccyx

275.Sodium bisulphite is used in injection as

A. Preservative
B. Antioxidant
C. Chelating agent
D. Complexing agent

276.Coca, opium and hemp come under

A. Insecticide act
B. Pharmacy act
C. Poisons act
D. Dangerous Drug act

277.Which of the following is not regarded as a narcotic

A. Heroine
B. Codeine
C. Morphine
D. Propoxyphene

278.The major mechanism of degradation of the drugs in the GIT is

A. Hydrolysis
B. Conjugation
C. Oxidation
D. Reduction

279.Which of the following is not a local anaesthetic

A. Procaine
B. Cocaine
C Lignocaine
D. Ecgonine

280.Multidose Injections are packed in

A. Ampoules
B. Vills
C. Disposable sets
D. Infusion bottles

Answer key

271.C  272.A  273.C  274.A  275.B  276.D  277.D  278.A  279.D 280.B

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