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Pharmacognosy mcqs (101-110)

These are very important mcqs for pharmacist competitive exams

Important mcqs of pharmacognosy

101.Glycyrrhiza is a

A. Fruit
B. Bark
C. Under ground stolon
D. Flower top

102.The active constituents of urginea are

A. Alkaloids
B. Glycosides
C. Volatile oils
D. Amaroils

103.Cassia is also known as

A. African cinnamon
B. Ceylon cinnamon
C. Indian cinnamon
D. Chinese cinnamon

104.Lanolin is used in the preparation of

A. Injections
B. Tablets
C. Ointments
D. Capsules

105.Aloes is used as

A. Cardiac tonic
B. Sedative
C. Hypnotic
D. Purgative

106.Fennel belongs to the family

A. Compostae
B. Umbelliferae
C. Scrophularaceae
D. Simarubaceae

107.Bees wax

A. Animal wax
B. Vegetable wax
C. Mineral wax
D. Synthetic wax

108.Ipecac is used in

A. Purgative
B. Cardiotonic
C. Amoebic dysentry cure
D. Stimulant

109.Astragalus gummifera is the botanical name of

A. Tragacanth
B. Senna
C. Asafoetida
D. Copaida

110.Colophony is a

A. Ester resin
B. Gum resin
C. Resin alcohol
D. Resin

Answer key

101.C  102.B  103.C  104.C  105.D  106.B  107.A  108.C  109.A  110.D

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