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Health education and community pharmacy (86-95)

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Health education and community pharmacy mcqs

86.The most universally accepted indicator of health status of the whole population is

A. Crude death rate
B. Infant mortality rate
C. Maternal mortality rate
D. Child mortality rate

87.Epidermiological triad is

A. Agent, host, enviromnent
B. Agent, vector, host 
C. Vector, carrier, environment
D. Agent, treatment, environment

88.State of social dysfunction is known as

A. Disease
B. Sickness
C. Illness
D. None of these

89.The body building foods are all except 

A. Fruits
B. Milk
C. Pulses
D. Poultry

90.All are essential amino acids except

A. Leucine
B. Lysine
C. Phenylalanine 
D. Tyosin

91.All are nonessential amino acids excpt

A. Tyosin
B. Serine
C. Glysine
D. Valine

92.primary functions of proteins are all except

A. Body building
B. Repair and maintenence
C. Antibody formation
D. Providing energy 

93.All the following are saturated fatty acids except

A. Lauric acid
B. Palmitic acid
C. Oleic acid
D. Stearic acid

94.Which of the following has the highest amount of poly unsaturated fatty acids

A. Sunflowrr oil
B. Soyabean oil
C. Groundnut oil
D. Palm oil

95.The most important essential fatty acid is
A.Linoleic acid
B. Linolenic acid
C. Arachidonic acid
D. Stearic acid

Answer key

86.B  87.A  88.B  89.A  90.D  91.D  92.D  93.C  94.A  95.A

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