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Pharmacognosy macqs(121-130)

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Pharmacognosy mcqs

121.Lemon grass oil is a 

A. Volatile oil
B. Fixed oil
C. Wax
D. Oleo resin

122.The drug used as carminative

A. Cloves
B. Kalmegh
C. Belladonna
D. Fennel

123.The source of codeine is

A. Opium
B. Bhung
C. L. S. D
D. Male fern

124.Drug belongs to euporbiaceae family

A. Amla
B. Fennel
C. Cardomom
D. Vasaka

125.The shape of leaf in Tinnavelly senna

A. Lanceolate
B. Linear
C. Ovate
D. Elliptical

126.Cinchona bark belongs to the family

A. Lauraceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Leguminosae
D. Rubiaceae

127.Starch is obtained from

A. Wheat
B. Maize
C. Rice
D. All the above

128.Andha toda vasika is the botanical name of

A. Brahmi leaves
B. Vasaka leaves
C. Senna leaves
D. None of the above 

129.Aswagandha belongs to the family

A. Papaveraceae
B. Solanaceae
C. Lamiaceae
D. Apiaceae

130.Quinine has the property of

A. Anthelmintic
B. Antidiuretic
C. Antimalarial
D. Antibiotic

Answer key

121.A  122.D  123.A  124.A  125.A  126.D  127.D  128.B  129.B  130.C

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