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Pharmacognosy mcqs (131-140)

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Pharmacognosy mcqs

131.Ephedrine is used in the treatment of

C.Bronchial Asthma

132.Water soluble ergometrine group is

D. Ergocristine

133.Cloves belong to the family

A. Rubiaceae
B. Compositae
C. Myrtaceae
D. Liliaceae

134.An insecticidal drug

A. Kalmegh
B. Pyrethrum
C. Aswagandha
D. Asoka

135.Dragendroff's reagent is for identifying

A. Oils
B. Starch
C. Alkaloids
D. Terpenes 

136.An example of drying oil is

A. Linseed
B. Sesame oil
C. Castor oil
D. Turpentine oil

137.Colchicum is used to cure

A. C. C. F
B. Peptic ulcer
C. Gout
D. Infections

138.Brucine is present in

A. Coca
B. Lobelia
C. Nux vomica
D. Velerian

139.Rhubarb contains

A. Phenolic glycosides
B. Anthracene glycoside
C. Flavone glycoside
D. Cardia glycoside

140.Glycyrrhiza is the synonym of

A. Ginger
B. Ispaghula
C. Liquorice
D. Cinnamon

Answer key

131.C  132.A  133.C  134.B  135.C  136.A  137.C  138.C  139.B  140.C

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