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Pharmacist model mcqs (301-310)


Model mcqs for pharmacist competitive exams

301.The synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources is defined as

A. Glycolysis
B. Gluconeogenesis
C. Glycogenolysis
D. Glycogenisis

Ans. B

302.Which of the following drug is a parasympatholytic agent

A. Demecarium
B. Atropine 
C. Pilocarpine
D. Carbachol

Ans. B

303.Common side effect reported with sulfonylureas

A. Hypoglycemia
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Hypothyroidism
D. Hyperthyroidism

Ans. A

304.The principle adverse effect of ampicillin is

A. Constipation 
B. Diarrhoea
C. Vomiting 
D. GIT irritation

Ans. B

305.Which of the following is a major precursor of steroid hormone

A. Sphingoid
B. Bile acid
C. Triglyceride
D. Cholesterol 

Ans. D

306.Depletion of dopanine causes a clinical condition called

A. Mania
B. Schizophrenia 
C. Parkinsonism 
D. Depression 

Ans. C

307.Loss of appetite is known as

A. Anuria
B. Anorexia
C. Alopecia 
D. None of these

Ans. B

308.Carbimazole is an

A. Antithyroid drug
B. Antiepileptic drug
C. Coagulant
D. Anticoagulant

Ans. A

309.A potassium sparing diuretic that acts by inhibition of Na+K+ATP ace activity is

A. Mannitol
B. Amiloride
C. Furosemide
D. Bumetanide

Ans. B

310.Which of the following is essential fatty acid in humans? 

A. Arachidonic acid
B. Linolenic acid
C. Linoleic acid
D. All

Ans. B

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