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Biochemistry and clinical pathology mcqs (41-50)


Biochemistry and clinical pathology mcqs

41.The RNA synthesis on a DNA template is known as

A. Translation
B. Transduction 
C. Replication 
D. Transcription 

Ans. D

42.Nulein is

A. Lipoprotein
B. Nucleoprotein
C. Phosphoprotein

Ans. B

43.Cerebrosides are

A. Phospholipids
B. Fats
C. Sterols
D. Glycolipids

Ans. D

44.Prosthetic group present in glycoprotein is

A. Metal
B. Phosphoric acid
C. Nucleic acid
D. Carbohydrate

Ans. D

45.DNA strand is directly involved in the synthesis of all the following except 

A. Another DNA strand
B. Protein molecule
C. RNA molecule 
D. mRNA molecule

Ans. B

46.Phenylketonuria (PKU) is detected by

A. Guthrie test
B. Cole's test
C. Rothera's test
D. Fouchets test

Ans. A

47.Which function is not performed by liver

A. Detoxification 
B. Deamination
C. Glycogenesis
D. Secretion of fat digesting enzymes

Ans. D

48.Deamination of aminoacids occurs during the

A. Anabolism of amino acid
B. Catabolism of amino acid
C. Krebs cycle
D. Formation of urea

Ans. B

49.The end products of the amino acid breakdown in liver are

A.Carbon dioxide, water, urine
B. Ammonia, urea
C. Urea, carbon dioxide
D. Urea, uric acid and ammonia

Ans. B

50.The first amino acid during protein synthesis is

A. Arginine
B. Formylated arginine
C. Formal methionine
D. Methionine

Ans. C

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