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Biochemistry and clinical pathology mcqs

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

1.The major protein of the connective tissue is

A. Keratin
B. Collagen
C. Myosin
D. Melanin

Ans. B

2.Mineral involved in protein metabolism and oxidation reaction is

A. Magnesium
B. Molybdenum
C. Manganese
D. Calcium

Ans. B

3.Sulphur containing amino acid is

A. Glycine
B. Methionine
C. Threonine
D. Tyrosine 

Ans. B

4.Secondary structure of protein is stabilised by

A. Disulphide bonds
B. Electrostatic forces
C. Hydrophobic bonds
D. Hydrogen bonds

Ans. D

5.Galactose and Glucose are

A. Ketose -Aldose isomers
B. Anomers
C. Isomers
D. Epimers

Ans. D

6.The sugars formed as a result of sucrose breakdown are

A. Fructose and glucose
B. Maltose and glucose
C. Glucose and glucose 
D. Galactose and glucose

Ans. A

7.Which of the following monosaccharide is not an aldohexose

A. Glucose
B. Fructose
C. Mannose
D. Galactose

Ans. B

8.Amino acid,  which is the most effective contributor of protein buffer is

A. Histidine
B. Glycine 
C. Arginine
D. Alanine

Ans. A

9.Branched polysaccharide is

A. Cellulose 
B. Amylose
C. Glycogen
D. Chitin

Ans. C

10.A keto-sugar can be detected by

A. Fehling's test
B. Benedict's test
C. Seliwanoff's test
D. Aniline acetate test

Ans. C

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