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Pharmacognosy mcqs (171-180)


Pharmacognosy mcqs

171.Swelling factor is for detecting the purity of

A. Ispaghula
B. Bael
C. Gelatin
D. Agar

Ans. A

172.Borntrager test is used for identification of

A. Digitalis
B. Squill
C. Cinchona
D. Senna

Ans. D

173.The family of Arjuna bark is

A. Solanaceae
B. Rutaceae
C. Combretaceae
D. Gnetaceae

Ans. C

174.Caffeine is identified by

A. Murexide test
B. Vitalis test
C.Molish's test
D.Millon's test

Ans. A

175.Balasam of Tolu is used as /an

A. Stimulant 
B. Cardiac tonic
C. Expectorant
D. Astringent

Ans. C

176.Vincristine is used in the treatment of 

A. Gout
B. Asthma
C. Leukaemia
D. Epilepsy

Ans. C

177.Indian saffron is

A. Ginger
B. Ipecac
C. Turmeric

Ans. C

178.Neem is used as a/an

A. Antiseptic
B. Purgative
C. Diuretic
D. Astringent

A. A

179.Papain is a

A. Protein
B. Carbohydrate
C. Proteolytic enzyme
D. Hormone

Ans. C

180.Mel is

A. Castor oil
B. Linseed oil
C. Honey
D. Shark liver oil

Ans. C

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