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Biochemistry and clinical pathology mcqs (61-70)


Biochemistry and clinical pathology mcqs

61.which is not an essential amino acid

A. Threonine
B. Tryptophan 
C. Valine
D. Glutamine

Ans. D

62.Insulin is usually classified as a/an

A. Peptide hormone
B. Amino acid
C. Phospholipid
D. Enzyme

Ans. A

63.An enzyme is a substance which 

A. Hydrolyzes
B. Dehydrates 
C. Acts as a catalyst
D. Converts heat to energy

Ans. C

64.A substance found commonly in fermented foods which can be toxic when MAO inhibitors are used is 

C. Tyramine
D. Histidine

Ans. C

65.which of the following is needed in determining the isoelectric point of an amino acid? 

A. Structural formula 
B. Dissociation constant 
C. Electrophoretic pattern 
D. Composition 

Ans. B

66.The conversion of an amino acid to sugar is

A. Hydrolysis 
B. Cocarboxylation
C. Glycolysis
D. Gkuconeogenesis

Ans. D

67.MAO is classified as a

A. Protein inhibitor 
B. Complexing agent
C. Enzyme 
D. Hormone 

Ans. C

68.Which substance yields the largest number of calories per gram? 

A. Carbohydrates 
B. Proteins 
C. Minerals
D. Fats

Ans. D

69.Chloride plays an important role in

A. Osmotic regulation
B. Water balance
C. Production of HCL in gastric juice
D. All the above

Ans. D

70.The principal site of glucose production in the human body is

A. Blood 
B. Pituitary gland 
C. Muscle tissue 
D. Liver

Ans. D

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