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Health education and community pharmacy mcqs (96-105)

 These are important mcqs in pharmacist competitive exams

Health education and community pharmacy mcqs

96.All are disaccharides except 

A. Sucrose
B. Lactose
C. Galactose 
D. Maltose

Ans. C

97.Indigestible component of carbohydrates with no nutritive value is

A. Starch
B. Cellulose
C. Galactose 
D. None of them

Ans. B

98.Which of the following is carbohydrate of animal origin

A. Glucose
B. Sucrose
C. Starch
D. Glycogen 

Ans. D

99.One gram of carbohydrate provides energy 

A. 4.75 kcal
B. 9.3 kcal
C. 4.1 kcal
D. 3.75 kcal

Ans. D

100.Performed vit A is

A. Retinol
B. Beta carotene
C. Alpha carotene
D. Alpha carotenoids

Ans. A

101.How much retinol is equal to one IU of vit A

A. 0.3 mcg
B. 0.6 mcg
C. 1.2 mcg
D. 2 mcg

Ans. A

102.Earliest sign of vit A deficiency is

A. Conjunctival xerosis
B. Night blindness
C. Bitots spot 
D. Keratomalacia

Ans. B

103.Which of the following is a function of vit D

A. Increases absorption of calcium and phosphorus
B. Formation of bones and teeth
C. Helps in mineralisation of bones
D. All the above 

Ans. D

104.The most ccommon condition due to riboflavin deficiency is

A. Cheilosis
B. Glossitis
C. Angular stomatitis
D. Nasolabial seborrhoea

Ans. C

105.Major source of fluorine to man is

A. Water
B. Cheese
C. Milk
D. Green vegetables 

Ans. A

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