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Pharmacology and toxicology mcqs (121-130)


Pharmacology and toxicology mcqs

121.Drug used in scabies

A. Benzylbenzoate
B. Betamethasone
C. Chloroxylenol
D. None of these

Ans. A

122.Aspirin acts as

A. Cox ii inhibitor
B. Cox iii inhibitor
C. Cox i inhibitor
D. Lox inhibitor

Ans. C

123.Ethosuximide is used as an

A. Anti convulsant
B. Anti tubercular
C. Anti malarial 
D. Emetic

Ans. A

124.Ganciclovir is mainly used for the treatment of infection caused by

A. Candida albicans
B. Hepatitis virus
C. Cytomegalo virus
D. Herpes zoster virus

Ans. C

125.Famotidine is a/an

A. Digestant
B. Antiulcer drug
C. Antibiotic
D. Mineral

Ans. B

126.Drug of choice in status epilepticus by IV is

A. Paraldehyde 
B. Phenobarbitone
C. Diazepam
D. Pentobarbital

Ans. C

127.Mycostatin is used as an

A. Anti malarial
B. Anti-cancer drug
C. Antibiotic
D. Anti fungal drug

Ans. D

128.The drug used in the management of hypertension is

A. Metoprolol
B. Digoxin
C. Ouabin
D. Emetin

Ans. A

129.The drug used in the treatment of amoebiasis is

A. Tinidazole
B. Phenacetin
C. Pilocarpin
D. Reserpine

Ans. A

130.Diazoxide is given in hypertension by

A. Orally
B. I. M
C. By rapid injection
D. All the above 

Ans. C

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