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Drugstore and business management mcqs (26-35)


Drugstore and business management mcqs

26.A private limited company can start its business

A. On the receipt of the certificate of incorporation 
B. On he receipt of the certificate of commencement of business
C. On the receipt of both the above certificates 
D. None of the above

Ans. A

27.The maximum number of members in a private limited company is

A. 20
B. 30
C. 50
D. Unlimited 

Ans. C

28.The minimum number of directors in a private limited company is

A. 5
B. 4
C. 2
D. 3

Ans. C

29.The maximum number of members in case of a public limited company is

A. 50
B. 30
C. 20
D. Unlimited

Ans. D

30.The minimum number of directors in a public limited company

A. 7
B. 5
C. 3
D. 4

Ans. C

31.The minimum number of partners in a firm has been specified by

A. The Indian partnership Act 1932
B. The Companies Act, 1956
C. The Income Tax Act,  1961
D. All of the above 

Ans. B

32.The registration of a partnership is 

A. Compulsory under the Indian partnership Act, 1932
B. Optional
C. Compulsory under the companies Act, 1956
D. All of the above 

Ans. B

33.In which of the following forms of business organisation, registration is compulsory by law

A. Partnership
B. Joint stock company 
C. Sole-proprietorship
D. All of the above 

Ans. B

34.The maximum number of partners in a firm carrying a general business (non-banking business) is

A. 20
B. 10
C. 50
D. 40

Ans. B

35.The oldest form of business organization is

A. Joint stock company 
B. Sole-proprietorship
C. Partnershio
D. All of the above

Ans. B

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