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Hospital and clinical pharmacy mcqs (91-100)

Hospital and clinical pharmacy


 91.Hyperstat (Diazoxide) is used mainly in treating

A. Severe shock
B. Diabetic coma
C. Emergency reduction of blood pressure
D. Paralysis agitans

Ans. C

92.Alcohol in the body is

A. Excreted mainly by lungs
B. Oxidized to CO2 and water
C. Excreted by kidneys
D. Detoxified by kidney

Ans. B

93.Methanol may cause

A. Deafness
B. Tetany
C. Gastritis
D. Blindness

Ans. D

94.The toxicity of methanol is due to its conversion in the body to

A. Formic acid and formaldehyde
B. Methane 
C. Ethyl alcohol
D. Carbonic acid

Ans. A

95.Ethylene diamene-tetra acetic acid is an antidote for which of the following 

A. Lead
B. Aspirin
C. Paris green
D. Phosphorous

Ans. A

96.Large doses of diethyl stilbestrol are used to treat carcinoma of the

A. Vaginal tract 
B. Liver
C. Prostate
D. Kidney

Ans. C

97.Excessive use of tolbutamide will lead to 

A. Hyperglycemia
B. Prolonged hypoglycemia
C. Acidosis
D. Glycosuria

Ans. B

98.Which of the following is contraindicated in the presence of active tuberculosis 

A. I. N. H
D. Hydrocortisone 

Ans. D

99.The major disadvantage in the use of meperidine is that it produces

A. Low blood pressure 
B. Addiction 
C. High blood pressure 
D. Miosis

Ans. B

100.An overdose of d-tubocurarine 

A. Interferes with oxidative enzymes of the cells
B. May be combated with carbachol 
C. Paralyses respiratory muscles
D. Paralyses the autonomic nervous system

Ans. C

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