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Pharmacist model mcqs (311-320)

Pharmacist model mcqs

 311.The cause of Beriberi is due to deficiency of

A. Vit B12
B. Vit B2
C. Vit B1
D. Vit A

Ans. C

312.Which of the following is naturally occurring glucocorticoid? 

A. Cortisol
B. Triamcinolone
C. Dexamethasone
D. Prednisolone

Ans. A

313.Use of Titanium dioxide is

A. Sunscreen
B. Surfactant 
C. Diluent 
D. Deflocculant

Ans. A

314."Insulin resistant" is defined as when a patient needs more than - units of insulin per day

A. 100
B. 200
C. 150
D. 180

Ans. B

315.Adult daily dose of Rifampicin:

A. 200mg
B. 400mg
C. 600mg
D. 800mg

Ans. C

316.Amlodipine adult daily dose to treat hypertension 

A. 10-20mgs once
B. 20-30mgs once
C. 5-10mgs once
D. 5-10mgs twice

Ans. C

317.Which group of glycosides form soapy solution in water? 

A. Saponins
B. Flavenoids
C. Anthracene glycosides 
D. Glycosides

Ans. A

318.A cytotoxic antibiotic is

A. Methotrexate
B. Busulphan
C. Vincristine 
D. Doxorubicin

Ans. D

317.The part of the prescription comprising direction to the pharmacist is

A. Signature
B. Inscription 
C. Superscription
D. Subscription 

Ans. D

318.Imidazole class of anti fungal agent

A. Miconazole
B. Nystatin
C. Griseofulvin
D. Amphotericin B

Ans. A

319.A prophylactic agent for the treatment of traveller's diarrhoea

A. Tetracycline
B. Doxycycline
C. Oxytetracycline
D. None

Ans. B

320.Maximum daily dose of valdecoxib is

A. 20mg
B. 40mg
C. 60mg
D. 80mg

Ans. B

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