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Pharmacist model mcqs (351-360)

Pharmacist model mcqs

 351.Disintegrator works on the principle of

A. Attrition 
B. Grinding 
C. Impact 
D. Impact and grinding 

Ans. D

352.Fertilisation of ovum takes place in

A. Ovaries
B. Cervix 
C. Fallopian tubes
D. Uterus

Ans. C

353.Anticarcinogenic agent source is

A. Vinca rosea
B. Capsicum
C. Belladonna 
D. Ipecac 

Ans. A

354.The average no. of platelets in 1 cu. mm of blood is

A. 1 Lakh 
B. 3.5 Lakhs
C. 1.5 Lakhs
D. 5.5 Lakhs

Ans. B

355.The concentration of sodium chloride in normal saline is

A. 0.09%W/V
B. 9%W/V
C. 0.9%W/V
D. 1.9%W/V

Ans. C

356.The HLB system used to classify

A. Colours
B. Flavours
C. Perfumes 
D. Surfactants 

Ans. D

357.Normal renal creatinine clearance value lies between

A. 10-20ml/min
B. 30-60ml/min
C. 80-120ml/min
D. 100-200ml/min

Ans. C

358.Enteric coated tablets disintegrate in

A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Intestine 
D. None of these

Ans. C

359.Gardenal and Lumenal are brand names of

A. Cyclobarbitone
B. Phenobarbitone 
C. Butobarbitone
D. Barbitone

Ans. B

360.Zoviran is brand name of

A. Allopurionol 
B. Amantidine
C. Acyclovir
D. Acetazolamide

Ans. C

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